Changelog ========= v2.0.1 (2020 Oct 18) -------------------- * Switch to codecov as coverage service * Remove no longer used compatibility code * Simplify tooling, rely only on tox * Remove six dependency * Fix Django and django-appconf minimum version * Fix Python versions suppport * Add project URL v2.0.0 (2020 Sep 18) -------------------- * [PR#49] Change `force_text` to `force_str` (thanks @bullfest) * Add Django 3.1 support * Drop Django 1.8 support * Drop Django 1.9 support * Drop Django 1.10 support * Drop Django 1.11 support * Drop Django 2.0 support * Drop Django 2.1 support * Fix linting issues * Use Python 3.8 as default version * Fix travis matrix definition * Upgrade Sphinx configuration v1.9.0 (2020 Jan 11) -------------------- * [PR#48] Update django-appconf, thanks @zetaab * Add Django 2.2 support * Add Django 3.0 support * Drop Python 3.3 support (reached EOL) * Drop Python 3.4 support (reached EOL) v1.8.3 (2019 Mar 03) -------------------- * [PR#44] Fix python3 compatibility about inlinei18n (thanks @outloudvi) * Add Django 2.1 support * Fix warning for static templatetag in Django 2.1 * Fix deprecation warning on collections module * Compress tox matrix definition * Change travis to use tox under the hood v1.8.2 (2018 Jun 29) -------------------- This is a maintenance release due to CI issues. * Add Python 3.7 classifier * Fix Travis matrix definition * Remove Python 3.7 support for Travis v1.8.1 (2018 Jun 29) -------------------- * Fix #42: regression issue with packages (thanks @classifaddict) * Update to latest Python versions * Add Python 3.7 support v1.8.0 (2018 May 31) -------------------- * [PR#39] Serialize packages before giving it to Django (thanks @askoretskiy) * [PR#41] Add the namespace parameter (thanks @afzaledx and @pomegranited) v1.7.0 (2018 Feb 11) -------------------- * Fix documentation (thanks @philipbelesky and @pre101) .. warning:: The following changes are backward-incompatible with the previous release. * Use the plain locale for filename by default (thanks @genonfire) For legacy behavior, set ``STATICI18N_FILENAME_FUNCTION`` setting with ``'statici18n.utils.legacy_filename'``. v1.6.1 (2018 Jan 20) -------------------- * Use ASCII character instead of UTF-8 one to fix build with Python 3 (thanks @sunpoet) v1.6.0 (2018 Jan 12) -------------------- * Add Django 2.0 support (thanks Martin Pauly) * Drop Python 3.2 support * Add Python 3.6 support v1.5.0 (2017 Dec 08) -------------------- * Load statici18n conf via Django's `AppConfig` (thanks @julen) v1.4.0 (2017 Jun 22) -------------------- * Add Django 1.11 support (thanks @bmedx) v1.3.0 (2017 Jan 19) -------------------- * Pass language name instead of locale name on Django 1.10 (thanks @quantum5) * Fix circle-ci builds v1.2.1 (2016 Aug 20) -------------------- * Fix Django links to use version 1.10 v1.2.0 (2016 Aug 20) -------------------- * #17: Mark inlinei18n output as safe (thanks @quantum5) * #23: Added support for JSON format in command-line based catalog generation (thanks @rarguelloF) * #18: Added support for Django 1.9 and 1.10; this change also drops support for Django 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 as they are not officially supported by the DSF anymore (thanks @julen) * #19: Added support for `USE_18N = False` (thanks @julen) v1.1.5 (2015 Aug 7) ------------------- * New release due to missing changelog in previous one v1.1.4 (2015 Aug 7) --------------------- * Fix #14: compilejsi18n command should skip system checks (thanks @bubenkoff and @xolox) * Update python2.7 to 2.7.10 v1.1.3 (2015 Apr 19) -------------------- * Add django 1.8 support * Fix deprecation warning from django.utils.importlib (thanks @ogai) v1.1.2 (2015 Mar 18) -------------------- * Updated dependencies * Added Python 3.2 and Django 1.7 test support * Updated requirements to include the newest version of appconf and changed to reflect appconf requirement (thanks Nicholas Lockhart) v1.1.1 (2014 Nov 17) -------------------- * Added empty catalog entry to troubleshooting section (thanks @eduardo-matos) v1.1 (2014 Jan 12) ------------------- * Added i18ninline template tag (thanks @jezdez) * Added RequireJS entry to the FAQ (thanks @Ewjoachim) v1.0.1 (2013 Nov 20) -------------------- * Improved documentation clarity and cross-references * Updated classifiers v1.0.0 (2013 Nov 18) -------------------- * Added Django 1.6 support (thanks @ryanbutterfield) * Improved documentation * Added full test suite .. warning:: The following changes are backward-incompatible with the previous release. * Now use ``STATIC_ROOT`` as default value for ``STATICI18N_ROOT``. v0.4.5 (2013 Jun 13) -------------------- * Fixed ImportError exception. v0.4.4 (2013 Jun 12) -------------------- * Fixed issue in filename function now using language code instead of locale name. Thanks Marc Kirkwood. * Fixed Django documentation URLs to use 1.5 release. * Improved the overall documentation. v0.4.3 (2013 Jun 10) -------------------- * Updated documentation reference to Django 1.5. * Fixed a typo in documentation. v0.4.2 (2013 Feb 04) -------------------- * Fixing compiling the JS formats for non-default languages. Thanks @jezdez. v0.4.1 (2012 Oct 17) -------------------- * Worked around an issue with unescaped string literals in Django JavaScript i18n code. Thanks @jezdez. v0.4.0 (2012 Apr 04) -------------------- * Added statici18n template tag. v0.3.1 (2012 Apr 03) -------------------- * Added license * Fixed installation error due to missing manifests file. v0.3.0 (2012 Apr 03) -------------------- * Added Sphinx documentation. * Added many settings managed with django-appconf. v0.2.0 (2012 Apr 02) -------------------- .. warning:: The following changes are backward-incompatible with the previous release. * Renamed ``collecti18n`` command to ``compilejsi18n``. * Now use current static directory instead of ``STATIC_ROOT`` for sane defaults. v0.1.0 (2012 Apr 02) -------------------- * Initial commit.